The Girl Behind Small Screen Beauty

Photograph courtesy of Alex Keerma

Welcome to my blog where I enthusiastically teach you how to achieve simple cosmetic looks, maintain some kind of health and sanity in your student life, and probably get a little off topic blabbering on about products, TV shows, and love. With commentary. Of course. Sorry. I just have a lot of opinions. Anyways. My obsession with makeup trumps what my friends, roommates, boyfriend, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, professors, doctors, brother, stuffed animals, convenience store guy, etc view as "important activities" (like homework and going to the gym). And I have finally broken the news to my adoring fans that I will not be attending some sort of "bigshot" professional graduate school program after I finish my Bachelor of Arts (which I am in the process of completing) and will likely go to.... *cue horror movie music* MAKEUP SCHOOL instead. *Cue long awkward pause* "But wait... what about the LSAT?" Sigh. Sorry, dad. I just like gel liner way too much. REGARDLESS, I'm excited to be here and I'm equally excited that you are here with me!

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